By Teri Nilson Baird

A lot of information was
exchanged this weekend between Dr. Kutzler and eight of our local veterinarians
[front range Colorado area]. They were able to provide her with anecdotal evidence
of their experiences and studies, and a lot of the blanks may begin to be
filled in.
To summarize the
discussion at the meeting, we may not need to vaccinate all of our animals. Dr.
Jeannie Rankin passed along to Dr. Kutzler the results of blood tests she had
done on a herd that lost several alpacas. Seventy of the animals tested showed
high titers for the virus but had no clinical symptoms. These animals are
producing their own antibodies without vaccination, meaning they had also been
exposed to the virus but did not become clinically ill.
The eight local vets, with
Dr. Kutzler's input, formulated a strategy for next year along the Front Range
of Colorado and other areas previously affected. They will recommend blood
testing (less expensive than vaccination) ten percent (or more if the owner
desires) of each herd to determine probable antibody levels. Animals who have
antibodies will have a natural immunity and therefore do not require
vaccination. In fact, there is anecdotal evidence of two animals that
experienced anaphylactic shock when vaccinated; these animals had not been
tested for antibodies prior to administration of the vaccine.
If animals do not show
antibodies, the timing for vaccination should be April, May, and June for the
three-course administration of the vaccine. Pregnant females should not be
vaccinated in the first or last 60 days of pregnancy. This schedule should provide
at least twenty weeks of immunity. The vaccine may be boostered again in
September and twice the next year. This could be an expensive proposition,
depending upon the number of animals in each herd and whether the price of the
vaccine declines next year with competition from the other vaccine
manufacturer. Oregon State University has not tested the last blood draws they
did in October so we do not yet know about antibody titers beyond the twenty
Unvaccinated animals that
contract the disease (and are caught early in its course, before it crosses the
blood-brain barrier) have the best chance of recovery if the vet sees the
animal when the facial tremors begin. A treatment with plasma from vaccinated
animals has proven to provide the best results, possibly within 48 hours. It is
possible an immune booster may be used in conjunction with the plasma; discuss
this with your veterinarian. Dr. Rankin is testing passive transfer of
antibodies via colostrum through Oregon State Univ. as well, and has funding
through Colorado State University for other WNV research.
appears that everyone learned a lot this weekend and I believe the Alpaca
Breeders of the Rockies did many of us a great service by sponsoring Dr.
Kutzler's trip to Parker, [CO]. It was productive to get our local veterinarians
together, sharing their individual experiences, and then to have Dr. Kutzler
pass some of the information along to the owners.
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